Colour choice can make-or-break any outfit. We are here to give you some guidance on crafting a wardrobe based on what colours you look best in! Let this not be seen as a set of rules you have to follow, it’s more of a guide to help you along as you craft outfits for any occasion- you’ll be lighting up the whole room with confident, self-expression.
The Colour Me Beautiful concept of the 4 basic seasons is a great way to classify your best colour tones. This is based on four colour types: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. These factors are dependent upon the undertones of your skin, eyes, and hair and how light or deep your overall colouring and hair.
Thanks to Anuschka Rees, these are the four classifications in detail to better understand these 4 basic seasons and identify what category you fit in :
Colour Me Beautiful

Skin tones: Fair, warm undertone - on the lighter end of the skin spectrum
Hair: Lighter or strawberry blonde to medium brown with golden or red undertones
Eyes: Clear blues and turquoise, green and light brown/golden
Colours that look best on you: Light peach, green, blue and yellows work best with your features
Some amazing peach-themed looks on Saoirse Ronan and Emma Stone:

Skin tones: Cooler undertones with little rosy hue
Hair: Lighter blonde to medium mousy brown with cooler undertones
Eyes: Darker blues and greys, brown
Colours that look best on you: Cooler purple hues, silvers, reds and faint blues work best with you features.
We are living for these stunning looks on Miranda, Zoey and Bella:

Skin tones: Golden and warm undertones with rich colouring (olive, caramel, and darker beige)
Hair: Medium brown to dark black or deeper red and rich
Eyes: Hazels, greens and dark
Colours that look best on you: Rich auburn, evergreen, deep blues and yellow hues work best with you features
Halle and Jessica are showing their glowing complexions in these stunning gowns:

Skin tones: Cool or olive with more contrast between skin, eyes, and hair
Hair: Ashy browns and blacks
Eyes: Darker browns, blacks and cooler green
Colours that look best on you: Assortment of blues, rich green, black and silver work best with you features
Clearly, these ladies know how to extenuate their complexion with these stunning blue and black hues:

What's Your Personal Style?
After figuring out what colour tones work best for you, it can be helpful to define what you consider to be your personal style taste and incorporate these factors into a perfect wardrobe that will help you shine!
Boho style calls for bright colour hues with a mix of patterns and textures:

Classic calls for polished and preppy clothing parings:

Sporty styling can bright colours, denim and funky accessories like sunnies:

Minimalist means simple and muted colour tones with uniformity:

Enjoy your newly styled wardrobe!